A.2 The Recognizer

This section documents the external interface to the recognizer.

parse-article filename [FUNCTION]

Recognize document contained in file filename and construct a high-level representation, which is returned as a document object. Assumes that the document in file filename is a valid (LA)TEX document.

*do-not-signal-error-on-unknown-tex-macro* t [VARIABLE]

If nil, the recognizer signals a continuable error upon encountering a new user-defined TEX macro in the document being recognized. Default is not to signal an error.

define-text-object &key macro-name number-args processor precedence arguments object-name supers [MACRO]

Extend the recognizer to handle instances of a newly defined TEX macro. The keyword arguments are:

Description Type Keyword

TEX macro name string macro-name

Number of arguments number number-args

Name to use symbol processor

Represented as symbol object-name

Super-classes list supers

Contextual names list arguments

define-new-environment &key env-name object-name [MACRO]

Extend the recognizer to handle user-defined environments in LATEX. env-name, a string, is the name of the new environment. object-name, a symbol, is the name of the object that represents instances of this environment.

define-math-classification string classification [FUNCTION]

Classify token string as of type classification. This is how tokens are classified for processing in math mode.

define-precedence operator &key same-as [FUNCTION]

Define precedence for operator operator to be the same as existing operator same-as.

show-precedence-table   [FUNCTION]

Show one entry from each row of precedence table. Entries are listed in ascending order of precedence.