Text | Author |
Lisp | Patrick Winston and Bertold Horn |
Structure and Interpretation | Harold Abelson and |
of Computer Programs | Gerald Sussman |
Paradigms of AI Programming | Peter Norvig |
LATEX A Document Preparation System | Leslie Lamport |
The Design and Analysis of Algorithms | Dexter C. Kozen |
Matrix Computations | Charles Van Loan and Gene Golub |
Computational Framework for | Charles Van Loan |
the Fast Fourier Transform | |
Algebraic Computation | Richard Zippel |
Mathematica: A Practical Reference | Nancy Blachman |
A Logical Approach to | David Gries and |
Discrete Mathematics | Fred Schneider |
Nonlinear Optimization: | Steve Vavasis |
Computational Issues | |
Topics in Commutative Ring Theory | Irving Kaplansky |
Ouvres Mathematiques d’Evarist Galois | English translation |
Introduction to | Brian Kernighan and |
C Programming | and Dennis Ritchie |
AWK | Brian Kernighan |
A C++ Primer | Stanley B. Lippman |
CS611 Programming Languages | Lecture notes |
CS681 Design and | Dexter Kozen |
Analysis of Algorithms | Lecture Notes |
Bulletins of the AMS | (American Mathematical Society) |