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- ABLS89
- B. Arons, C. Binding, K. Lantz, and Christopher Schmandt.
A voice and audio server for multimedia workstations. In
Proceedings of Speech Tech, pages 86-89, May 1989.
- AM91
- Dennis S. Arnon and S. Mamrak. On the logical structure
of mathematical notation. Proceedings of the TeX Users
Group, 12:479-484, July 1991.
- Arn91
- Dennis Arnon. DocTypes: A Methodology for Managing
Structured Documents of Multiple Types. Xerox PARC,
April 1991.
- Arn92
- Dennis S. Arnon. Model-directed conversions of LaTeX
documents. Proceedings of the TeX Users Group, July
1992. To be published.
- Aro91a
- B. Arons. The design of audio servers and toolkits for
supporting speech in the user interface. Journal of the
American Voice I/O Society, pages 27-41, March
- Aro91b
- B. Arons. Hyperspeech: Navigating in speech-only
hypermedia. In Hypertext '91 ACM, pages 133-146,
- Aro92a
- B. Arons. A review of the cocktail party effect.
Journal of the American Voice I/O Society, pages
35-50, July 1992.
- Aro92b
- B. Arons. Techniques, perception, and applications of
time-compressed speech. In Proceedings of 1992 American
Voice I/O Society, pages 169-177, September 1992.
- Aro92c
- B. Arons. Tools for building asynchronous servers to
support speech and audio applications. UIST '92.
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software
and Technology, pages 71-78, November 1992.
- Aro93a
- B. Arons. Hyperspeech. ACM SIGGRAPH Video Review,
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- Aro93b
- B. Arons. Interactively skimming recorded speech.
Proceedings of the User Interfaces Sofware and Technology
(UIST) conference, ACM, November 1993.
- ASea88
- B. Arons, Christopher Schmandt, and et al. The VOX audio
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August 1988.
- Ass86
- Association of American Publishers. Markup of
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- AW91
- Dennis S. Arnon and Carl Waldspurger. Meddle: A
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- BB90
- Jr. Allen L. Brown and Howard A. Blair. A logic grammar
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September 1990.
- BCK<6244>>+93
- Robin Bargar, Meera M. Blattner (Chair), Gregory Kramer,
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nonspeech audio in virtual reality. Proceedings of the
IEEE Symposium on Research Frontiers in Virtual Reality,
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- BG90
- Eric A. Bier and Aaron Goodisman. Documents as user
interfaces. In Proceedings of the International
Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation
& Typography, pages 249-262. Cambridge University
Press, September 1990.
- BG93
- M. M. Blattner and R. M. Greenberg. Communicating and
learning through non-speech audio. Multimedia Interface
Design in Education. NATO ASI Series. Springer-Verlag,
February 1993.
- BGB88
- W. Buxton, W. Gaver, and S. Bly. The use of nonspeech
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- BGK92
- M. M. Blattner, . M. Greenberg, and M. Kamegai. Listening
to turbulence: An example of scientific audiolization.
Multimedia Interface Design, pages 87-102,
- BGP93
- Meera M. Blattner, Ephraim P. Glinert, and Albert L.
Papp. Sonic Enhancements for 2-D Graphic Displays, and
Auditory Displays. To be published by Addison-Wesley in
the Santa Fe Institute Series. IEEE, 1993.
- BLJ86
- M. M. Blattner, Mansur D. L., and K. I. Joy.
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- Bor88
- P. Borras. Centaur: the system. In Proceedings of the
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- Bro88
- Kenneth P. Brooks. A two-view document editor with
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- Bro91
- Mark H. Brown. Color and sound in algorithm animation.
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- Bro92
- Mark H. Brown. Zeus: A system for algorithm animation and
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- Bux89
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- Florian Cajori. A History of Mathematical
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- CJ90
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- Dav88
- James R. Davis. A voice interface to a direction giving
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- Dav89
- James R. Davis. Back Seat Driver: Voice Assisted
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- DH88
- James R. Davis and Julia Hirschberg. Assigning
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Proceedings of the Association for Computational
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- DS89
- James R. Davis and Christopher Schmandt. The back seat
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- DS90
- James R. Davis and Christopher Schmandt. Discourse
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- DT87
- James R. Davis and Thomas F. Trobaugh. Direction
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- F.92
- Jr. McKiel F. Audio-enabled graphical user interface for
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- FBN<6287>>+90
- Richard Furuta, Heather Brown, Steven R. Newcomb, Roberto
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- FS89
- Richard Furuta and P. David Stotts. Programmable browsing
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- Gav93
- William Gaver. Synthesizing auditory icons.
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- Gol90
- Charles F. Goldfarb. The SGML handbook. Oxford:
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- Gro86
- Barbara J. Grosz. Attention, intentions, and the
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- Har88
- Michael Harrison. Vortex: An interactive document
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- Her89
- Susan R. Hertz. The delta programming language: An
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- Her90
- Susan R. Hertz. A modular approach to multi-dialect and
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- Her91
- Susan R. Hertz. Streams, phones and transitions: Towards
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- Hir90a
- Julia Hirschberg. Assigning pitch accent in synthetic
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- Hir90b
- Julia Hirschberg. Using discourse context to guide pitch
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- Hir91
- J. Hirschberg. Using text analysis to predict
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- HLPW87
- J. Hirschberg, D. Litman, J. Pierrehumbert, and G. Ward.
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- HP86
- J. Hirschberg and J. Pierrehumbert. The intonational
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- HPR92
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- J. Hirschberg and G. Ward. A semantico-pragmatic analysis
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- HW89
- Berthold K. P. Horn and Patrick Henry Winston.
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- J. Hirschberg and G. Ward. The influence of pitch range,
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- JSBG86
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- Kat87
- A. Katz. Issues in defining an equations representation
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- A. Lippman and W. Bender. News and movies in the 50
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- David M. Levy. Topics in document research. In ACM
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- LPT<6353>>+93
- Thomas M. Levergood, Andrew C. Payne, G. Winfield Treese,
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- ME92
- Elizabeth D. Mynatt and W. Keith Edwards. Mapping GUIs to
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- PH90
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- T. V. Raman and M. S. Krishnamoorthy. Congrats: A system
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TV Raman
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